Graphic & MOTION designer

This is an online collection of my portfolio. I started out in print but eagerly jumped into the world of web design, video editing and branding. I take pride and dedication in all my work. I specialize in high-quality clean clear design.

My wide design spectrum encompasses everything from fashion to health, food, corporate, hi-tech, real estate, finance and education.


Great design brings people and brands together by understanding the needs of both the user and the business.  Whether I am working through challenges on-the-fly or sketching, I’ll uncover the strongest solutions in a fraction of the time that will work specifically for your needs.

I have worked for design studios, software companies, advertising agencies and in-house studios. I have successfully designed over 100 websites and created promotional materials for BMW, Microsoft, Scotiabank, Astra Zeneca, IBM, Columbia Pictures and Warner Music, to name just a few.

  • Corporate Branding
  • Infographics
  • Web Interface / UI Design
  • Typography
  • Trade Booths &  Banners
  • Logo Design
  • Art Direction
  • Packaging
  • Time Management
  • Client Co-ordination
Digital design
Brand design
Video Editing
AT Design

WOW! I’m so impressed by what you have done. Thank you again for the website, It looks great and the reaction has been terrific….it really shows what we are all about.

Byington Winery

There has been much oooo-ing and ahhhh-ing over the flash piece you designed for us. Very Impressive! Thanks a bunch and GREAT WORK!!!

Web Search & Design

The design is a big hit, my two clients both really like it and we will not need to do a second design for them. They really like that it is very clean, exciting and fresh, they love the color scheme, and overall are just very happy. Thank you for a great job!